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How to choose the right liquid filter bag?

There are various kinds of filter bags, but which filter bag is really suitable for our use? How to choose it? Need to remember the following points.

      1. filtration precision, which is a troubling issue. Let's say, to remove particles visible to the naked eye, to choose 25 micron filter bag; to remove clouds in the liquid, to choose 1 or 5 micron filter; to filter out the bacteria will need 0.2 micron filter. The problem is that there are two kinds of filtration precision units.


      2. According to the viscosity at the filtration temperature, professional filtration equipment suppliers can calculate how large a filter is needed, how much flow rate the filter bag will bear and predict its initial pressure drop. If you can provide the content of impurities in the fluid, you can even predict its filtration life.


      3. The selection of filter media, first according to the chemical name of the fluid to be filtered, according to the chemical compatibility taboo to find the available filter media, and then for its operating temperature, operating pressure, acid and alkali values, operating conditions, one by one evaluation, and to eliminate the unsuitable filter media. Application is also an important consideration, such as pharmaceutical, food or cosmetic filter media must be FDA-approved materials; ultra-pure water must be selected pure, does not contain released material will affect the impedance of the filter media; filtration of gases must be selected hydrophobic material and whether it is necessary.

      4. The use of filter bags, filter bags and supporting filters used at the same time, the use of system fluid pressure, the liquid squeezed through the filter bag to achieve the purpose of filtration, its distinctive feature is no equipment investment, filtration is simple and feasible, especially for small specifications, multi-species, intermittent filtration.






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